BSA Senior Patrol Leader S5-new.jpg (107951 bytes)

Scouting Memorabilia - Merit Badge - Fully Embroidered, Blue Plastic Back  - 1972-1975

Agriculture BPB.jpg (111129 bytes) American Heritage BPB.jpg (113557 bytes) Animal Industry BPB.jpg (109808 bytes) Animal Science FE PB.jpg (71129 bytes) Architecture BPB.jpg (56191 bytes) Athletics BPB.jpg (121247 bytes) Beef Production BPB.jpg (130269 bytes) Bird Study BPB.jpg (107698 bytes)
Agriculture American Heritage Animal Industry Animal Science Architecture Athletics Beef Production Bird Study
Bookbinding BPB.jpg (114425 bytes) Botany BPB.jpg (125722 bytes) Bugling BPB.jpg (127426 bytes) Camping BPB.jpg (117250 bytes) Canoeiing BPB.jpg (129186 bytes) Canoeing FE PB.jpg (71288 bytes) Cinematography BPB.jpg (120151 bytes) Citizenship in the Community BPB.jpg (118940 bytes)
Bookbinding Botany Bugling Camping - Green Canoeing Canoeing Cinematography Citizenship in the Community
Citizenship in the Home BPB.jpg (118927 bytes) Citizenship in the Nation BPB.jpg (93108 bytes)  Cit Nat FE PB.jpg (50313 bytes) Conservation of Natural Resources BPB.jpg (109077 bytes) Cooking GB BPB.jpg (117492 bytes) Cooking SB BPB.jpg (105362 bytes) Corn Farming BPB.jpg (112788 bytes)   Cotton Farming BPB.jpg (117020 bytes)
Citizenship in the Home Citizenship in the Nation Citizenship in the Nation Conservation of Nat. Res. Cooking - Green Cooking - Silver Corn Farming Cotton Farming
Cycling BPB.jpg (118349 bytes) Cycling BPB-a.jpg (105873 bytes) Dairying FE PB-a.jpg (68099 bytes) Dairying BPB.jpg (125191 bytes) Dentistry BPB.jpg (99717 bytes) Dog Care BPB.jpg (120716 bytes) Emergency Preparedness - Red Cross FE PB.jpg (83555 bytes) Engineering BPB.jpg (130278 bytes)
Cycling Cycling Dairying Dairying Dentistry Dog Care Emergency Preparedness - Red Cross Engineering
Farm Mechanics BPB.jpg (115144 bytes) Farm Records BPB.jpg (118176 bytes) Farm Records BPB-a.jpg (119131 bytes) Fingerprinting BPB.jpg (115741 bytes)   Firemanship BPB.jpg (96785 bytes) First Aid BPB.jpg (90177 bytes) First Aid to Animals BPB.jpg (113243 bytes) First Aid Animals FE PB.jpg (69838 bytes)
Farm Mechanics Farm Records Farm Records Fingerprinting Firemanship First Aid

First Aid to


First Aid to


Fish and Wildlife Management BPB.jpg (120102 bytes) Fishing BPB.jpg (118112 bytes) Fishing FE PB.jpg (66580 bytes) Forestry BPB.jpg (66710 bytes) Fruit and Nut Growing BPB.jpg (117071 bytes) Gardening BPB.jpg (58175 bytes) General Science BPB.jpg (125131 bytes)

First Aid to


Fish and Wildlife Management Fishing Fishing Forestry Fruit & Nut Growing Gardening General Science
Hiking BPB.jpg (60399 bytes) Home Repairs BPB.jpg (127889 bytes) Horsemanship BPB.jpg (115352 bytes) Indian Lore PB.jpg (136266 bytes) Insect Life BPB.jpg (115181 bytes) Journalism BPB.jpg (113275 bytes) Leatherwork BPB.jpg (139140 bytes) Lifesaving BPB.jpg (114108 bytes)
Hiking Home Repairs Horsemanship Indian Lore Insect Life Journalism Leatherwork Lifesaving
Machinery BPB.jpg (130724 bytes) Mammals BPB.jpg (95883 bytes) Masonry BPB.jpg (135537 bytes) Metallurgy FE PB-a.jpg (70296 bytes) Metalwork FE PB.jpg (65157 bytes) Nature BPB.jpg (125838 bytes) Oceanography BPB.jpg (60131 bytes) Orienteering BPB.jpg (59311 bytes)
Machinery Mammals Masonry Metallurgy Metalwork Nature Oceanography Orienteering
Personal Fitness BPB.jpg (94691 bytes)   Pets BPB.jpg (115441 bytes) Pigeon Raising BPB.jpg (113453 bytes) Pigeon Raising FE PB.jpg (105498 bytes) Pioneering BPB.jpg (118621 bytes) Pioneering BPB-a.jpg (127614 bytes) Plant Science BPB.jpg (120134 bytes) Plumbing BPB.jpg (116098 bytes)
Personal Fitness Pets Pigeon Raising Pigeon Raising Pioneering Pioneering Plant Science Plumbing
Pottery BPB.jpg (136256 bytes) Pottery BPB-a.jpg (123704 bytes) Poultry Keeping BPB.jpg (101509 bytes) Public Health BPB.jpg (98332 bytes) Public Speaking BPB.jpg (59196 bytes) Rabbit Raising BPB.jpg (118662 bytes) Radio BPB.jpg (135369 bytes) Reading BPB.jpg (132873 bytes)
Pottery Pottery Poultry Keeping Public Health Public Speaking Rabbit Raising Radio Reading
Reptile Study BPB.jpg (128433 bytes) Rowing BPB.jpg (120743 bytes) Salesmanship BPB.jpg (115752 bytes) Sheep Farming BPB.jpg (100655 bytes) Signaling BPB.jpg (132208 bytes) Skating FE PB.jpg (95843 bytes) Skating BPB-a.jpg (117823 bytes) Small Boat Sailing BPB.jpg (112944 bytes)
Reptile Study Rowing Salesmanship Sheep Farming Signaling Skating Skating Small Boat Sailing
Space Exploration BPB.jpg (120596 bytes) Sports BPB.jpg (104297 bytes) Sports BPB-a.jpg (104965 bytes) Stamp Collecting BPB.jpg (134469 bytes) Stamp Collecting BPB-a.jpg (129803 bytes) Surveying BPB.jpg (96045 bytes) Surveying BPB-a.jpg (114375 bytes) Swimming BPB.jpg (104773 bytes)
Space Exploration Sports Sports Stamp Collecting Stamp Collecting Surveying Surveying Swimming
Textiles BPB.jpg (111725 bytes) Traffic Safety BPB.jpg (109515 bytes) Truck Transportation BPB.jpg (121641 bytes) Veterinary Medicine BPB.jpg (107119 bytes) Water Skiing BPB No Vest.jpg (121810 bytes) Weather BPB.jpg (105077 bytes) Wilderness Survival BPB.jpg (127085 bytes) Woodcarving BPB.jpg (125785 bytes)
Textiles Traffic Safety Truck Transportation Veterinary Science

Water Skiing

No Life Jacket

Weather Wilderness Survival Woodcarving

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